Traffic! Like I have a Car


hARTslane, London 

Flow Bracey, Rowan Bazley, Rachel Marston, New Gay Manager (performance duo)  
Curators: Flow Bracey, Rowan Bazley

Traffic! Like I have a Car presents the work of 3 artists who converged during a theatrical scaffold-stage intervention outside Stow College in Glasgow. Their shared goals explore text as an object, palimpsest, and the lines between noise and communication. Celebrating incongruence and incomprehension, Traffic! Like I have a Car broadcasts an audio reel, an un-curated radio of demo tapes, field recordings and noise artworks. Creating something like a pre-youtube punk compilation LP, in a gallery within a gallery, where we can choose to be stood back-stage or on-stage.


 ‘I am 2019 with you’ - tension springs, neon tape, speakers and amplifier. The speakers played a submission audio reel of demo(n) tapes, unreleased tracks and field recordings from the local area. 

My heart is a Ratterphone - blind chords 

poster call out for the audio reel

Rubbings from car badge letters found on local cars 

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